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Your Live Wedding Painting


Choose Your Scene

Do you envision a painting showing a kiss at the alter, the festive hora dance, or your own special moment?  An outdoor scene can capture the seasonal flair while indoor compositions provide a dreamy atmosphere.

Choose Your Subjects

When you dream up your perfect painting, is anybody else in it?  You can choose up to ten additional people to include in the piece. Parents, bridal parties, children, even a deceased love one!  Some folks want the scene but not the spotlight and don't want themselves in it.  And don't forget to ask about Fido...


Enjoy Your Wedding

My job is to make sure you your guests are entertained and you don't have to worry about a thing on your big day. I will have been in contact with your venue and everything will be setup before you arrive at your ceremony!

©  2024 Cody Paints

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Page Background Photo: Nadine Tlili

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